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Welcome to Insanity Asylum

pforphoto, lost places, run down room

Welcome to Insanity Asylum

I know a lot will not understand why I registered a domain with a name like Insanity Asylum, and well truth be told I’m addicted to researching abandoned asylums, and I love things that are considered darker in life. So from time to time I will be writing about those type of things, along with finding images that I like, and those that are free to use. Back around 2005-2006 I bought this domain and created a series of webpages that contained music on it, then when I was in a virtual chat world call Excite, then it became Halsoft Chat, then eventually VP Chat. Then I let the domain go back in like 2010′

s somewhere around there. It wasn’t that I couldn’t afford it, it was just I was walking away from the chat world all together, and I didn’t plan on really going back, it wasn’t until Second Life that I thought of having a domain again, and when I saw this one was again available for me to get back in my name again I couldn’t resist it and Blade and I talked about it, and he told me to get it, so I run two domains, both with WordPress blogs on them. So for me Insanity Asylum has been a name that has always held a huge spot in my heart because for me it was all about the paranormal side of life, and I’ve always been drawn to the darker side of life. While some have always wanted to be in the light. I prefer the darker side of life. It’s just who I am as a person, and some of the people I’ve met online have found out it’s what makes me unique in life

landscape photography of forest

What will be on this blog?

Well on this blog I will be posting a lot of various things that do not have anything to do with gaming, or my second life shop, that I will leave on my S.A. Designz and Shadowz Abstract Gaming blogs. On this blog I will be posting about things that pertain to paranormal, books I’ve read, and currently reading. Plus I will also be adding a section for my schooling that I am currently doing as well because it’s something important to me. I am currently taking a art class to become a better artist. It’s just something I’ve been wanting to do. I will also be adding a section of books that I have read that are apart of a series, and book series that I am currently reading, and will have another section for books that I plan on to read. I will be doing a lot more things when I can make the time for it all. I will find a way to make the time for all the things in my life. I will be also looking for other graphics to use on this blog too as a separator on the posts, I may use free images, but then again I may also be using borders like the one above this section on this post. The rose with thorns and dripping blood. I will also be doing some photography as it was something else I’ve always been interested in too. This blog will be a lot of stuff about real life, along with some of the books that I am reading. I just hope I won’t be spreading myself too thin on all of this.

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